Thug: a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
Thanks to for the definition provided above. Just to be clear, I'd like to add another few word...
Thug: a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer. Football player from the state of Florida.
You know what the best part of the rumble in the OB was? The fact that more than 90% of the players involved from the University of Miami and Florida International University were from the state of Florida. Now I am from Texas. Any reasonable football fan knows that a large majority of college football players come from Texas and Florida. What most don't know is the amount of complete jackasses that our sisters of the south put onto the grand stage of college football each year. Perhaps this debacle can shed some light on the issue.
Let me expound. The University of Miami football program is Thug U. Always has been, always will be. The players who built the prestigous program were likely descendants of the founding fathers of the ultra violent and radical Black Panthers - a group designed to bring the black man all he deserves at the violent expense of all white people because, well, the black man is BLACK.
Thug U is the epitamy of what is wrong in college athletics. No one graduates - you go to "The U" to play football. No one cares if you can spell your own name. No cares if you can even spell "The U". To play at Miami, you have to be black, mad, stupid, and violent. And based on Saturday night's incidents, I must emphasize stupid.
A few years back, Miami and Florida almost beat the crap out of each other on Bourbon St before the Sugar Bowl. Fine. If the rejects at Thug U felt the need to attack their high school dropout buddies from UF, I can understand that. But Saturday was FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL. The athletes at FIU are just as likely to have ridden the short bus to high school as they were to be the third string place holder for their high school team. And the idiots at "The U" decided to show the boys at FIU how tough they were.
And here's the best part. The players at Miami get to play some more. Who knows what they might do to the Duke football team (I mean, Duke is home of white athletes who rape black women)
It makes me sick. Miami is a joke, both as an athletic department, and even more so a University which allows such henous behavior. Perhaps we need a little bit more global warming in order to swoop in some more hurricanes to clean up the disgusting mess created in Coral Gables.
Amen brother...Florida football players can go straight to hell.