Monday, September 15, 2008

THE ohio state university

Enough. God willing, the absolute beating in The Coliseum USC put down on the sweatervest lovers from Columbus will silence the college football blowhards from across the country. I can only hope the bad taste Ohio State left in the mouths of reporters won't soon dissipate. Though I wouldn't bet on it.

I would guess that as the end of November draws near, we are likely to hear talk of Ohio State returning to the BCS Championship game for another shot at an underserved title. The fact is, and has been for many years now, the brand of football being played in the Big 10 could almost be described as vomit-inducing. Power-I running plays and short drop play-actions don't cut it in the game anymore. The rest of the country moved on to offenses powered by speed and diversity. Only people in the Big 10 still think teams should be dominated by an offensive line full of 350 pounders who can slap fat with defenses and "wear them down".

The problem, however, is Ohio State will likely finish the season without another loss. Morons across the country will see an 11-1 record, and wrongly assume that a 11-1 Big Ten Champ is better than a 2 loss Big 12 or SEC team. Scary. Worse, Ohio State could very well end up rematching with USC - another depressing thought in a season thus far full of many when conjuring up the Buckeyes.

Ohio State and the Big 10 suck. Let them go to the Rose Bowl and get pounded by some other team - fine. Don't allow our BCS National Championship game to be watered down again by a team whose hype has long outlived their production.

But you heard it here first - they'll make it back one more time...

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