I spent last night in a great battle with my index finger in helping me work to change my tevelision channels. I ran some stupid event called a MudRun and was completely sapped of energy. Knowing full well that a great Sunday of sports awaited me, I finally made it home in time to catch the end of OU getting blasted by UNC, to see Jimmie Johnson grow a set and move someone out of the way to win a NASCAR race, and most importantly to be reminded of the greatness that is Tiger Woods.
Admittedly, I wasn't able to catch NBC's entire final round coverage of the Bay Hill Invitational. In fact, I tuned in prior to Tiger and Sean O'Hare's second shots on 18. As soon as I saw the leaderboard with Tiger tied with O'Hare on top, I knew I'd see history shortly. In fact, if my DVR hadn't been replaced, I simply could have watched last year's final hole at Bay Hill all over again. Same scenario, same outcome. Tiger approaches a final putt with the chance to win it, and he sinks a knee buckler. Unbelievable.
With his 5 stroke come from behind victory yesterday, Tiger reclaims (did he really lose it, knee injury be dammed?) his rightful place as the favorite heading into next weekend's Masters. I'm interested to see how his rivals (I know, I know, what rivals) react to the fact that Tiger is back.
I've also noticed that the world has been hit hardest by the recession in the last few months since Tiger's absence. Does he return signify a jump in the US economy? Not if today's 300 point Dow slide has anything to say about it...
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